WEEK 1View from our room:

On the train...

Hot and tired...

Cars on the kitchen floor...

Playing cards outside apartment...

11pm. Time for a trip to the play park...

On way out for night...

Thomas enjoying his pizza...

Ice cream...

In Florence...

Then Pisa. Thomas and the tower...

Fergus and the tower and if you look carefully a little model tower at Fergus's feet...

Fergus's second hastily improvised Italian birthday cake so far in his lifetime. Where can you buy a cake in Italy??

Fergus was born on the previous World Cup final day. Here he is on World Cup final day 2010, outside the apartment of our Dutch neighbours...

More late night ice creams...

Meal out...

Fergus's friends...

On way out for the night...

Fun in the pool...

Last meal out...

The image Fergus is staring at is the outdoor cinema in San Gimignano...

Youth Orchestra playing in the square on our last night...

Watching the show...